Mrs. Kempsey’s October Newsletter 

What We’re Learning:
READING:  Continuing with stories from Unit 1.
SPELLING:  Study word lists in folder.
MATH:  Finishing/testing on Topic 1, Number Sense and beginning Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction

Wear a blue shirt on

Monday, October 1st to support a
 Bully-Free School!
to support a “Bully Free” school.

Reminders about our Dress Code:
-Students CANNOT wear hoodies at any time.
-ONLY 3/4  zip  plain or  NS logo outerwear or full/cardigan sweaters allowed in the  building. 
_Intersecting stripes (plaid) shirts for boys and girls are acceptable.
-Intersecting lines, full dresses  for girls are          acceptable, however  NO T  skirts.