Week of March 6th

*Wednesday, March 8th– 2 HOUR DATA DELAY-Non Rotation Day
*Our class will be focusing on one story, “Oh The  Places You Can Go, throughout the month.  Students will be assigned  a day to present  about a place he/she has travelled to by showing pictures, souvenirs, a  poster, etc….
*Book orders due March 10th.
*If  temperatures are above 40’ we will go outside for recess.  Please dress your child accordingly.

 What We’re Learning
READING:  starting our next book in the series.  These next stories will focus on changes in our world.  Keep practicing High
Frequency Words.  Most of these words should be VERY familiar to the
*we will begin fluency tests next week. 

Monday                 Day 4         Art
Tuesday                Day 5        Gym
Wednesday        NO SPECIAL
Thursday Day  6      Music
Friday Day  7  Computers

 Students will be checked for words per minute and accuracy.
SPELLING:  study new list, pre-test on Thursday, final test Friday.
MATH:  starting Topic 9, Comparing and Ordering Numbers.